The news media and pollsters would have us believe that Obama has a comfortable lead, but does he really?
I think the race is running closer than "reported".
McCain prone voters are being under-reported and are even being intimidated:
"Secret Service Intimidates Private Citizen for Obama
Posted by Jessica Hughes on Friday, October 03, 2008 2:35:01 PM
On Wednesday the 1st of October I received a call on my cell while in the car with my husband. It was a woman who identified herself as calling from the Obama Campaign. The phone # she called from was 903-798-6020 which lists as "Obama Volunteers of Texarkana" (Texas).
She asked if I was an Obama supporter to which I replied:
"No, I don't support him, your guy is a socialist who voted four times in the State Senate to let little babies die in hospital closets; I think you should find something better to do with your time." I hung up.
Thursday, October 2, I answered the front door to find the Secret Service."
Read the rest of this horrendous story.
The secret service took the word of an Obamite pollster!
Recall also the CENSORED SHERIFF.
You can't say "Hussein"
It's forbidden to breathe Obama's middle name:
"Lee County Sheriff Mike Scott's now infamous appearance at Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin's public rally has caught the attention of federal officials. Scott is under federal investigation for wearing his uniform during the campaign stump, a spokesman for the Office of Special Counsel said on Tuesday. The investigation follows Scott's use of presidential candidate Barack Obama's middle name in his comments before the crowd, a moment that Scott later said he didn't regret but that has caused an uproar in parts of Lee County."
And this sheriff is investigated when prosecuters in Missouri said they would not tolerate "Obama lies"?
The highfalutin' polls do not reflect the reality on the GROUND.
Here's a billboard from southwest Missouri!
Of course,there have been squeals of "racism" coming from the Obamites so who knows if the billboard will remain.
Other people are so pissed that they are claiming to pollsters that they are Obama supporters when they're really not.
The Obama thuggery has backfired.
Disregard the polls.
The election is closer than the media and polls would have us believe.
It's a scam to make McCain-Palin Americans believe that there's no use in voting because Barack has it in the bag.
eve that Obama has a comfortable lead, but does he really?
I think the race is running closer than "reported".
McCain prone voters are being under-reported and are even being intimidated:
"Secret Service Intimidates Private Citizen for ObamaPosted by Jessica Hughes
Posted by: benzodiazepine detox | Nov 03, 2010 at 01:27 PM